School Board
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Board Approved Policies
Jackson Public Schools Policies are utilized by the members of the Board of Trustees to establish the governance of the District. All policies are considered for adoption and approved by the Board. Public comments are encouraged and welcome regarding District policies.
Each policy is assigned a letter and arranged as follows:
- A. School District Organization
- AA—School District Legal Status (PDF)
- ABA—Board of Trustees Authority(PDF)
- ABB—Powers and Duties of Board of Trustees (BBBA) (PDF)
- ABCB—Board Member Qualifications (PDF)
- ABCC—Term of Office and Method of Selection (PDF)
- ABD—Superintendent's Legal Status (PDF)
- AB—Board of Trustees Legal Status (PDF)
- AC—School District Organization Plan (PDF)
- AD—School Attendance Areas (PDF)
- AEAA—Legal Holidays (GADR) (PDF)
- AEB—Summer Sessions/Extended School Year (IDC) (PDF)
- AE—School Year (PDF)
- AFA - Emergency Closing of Schools Procedures (PDF)
- AFA—Emergency Closing of Schools (EBAA) (PDF)
- AF—School Day (PDF)
- B. Board of Trustees Operations
- BAB—Non-Discrimination (PDF)
- BA—Mission, Vision, and Goals (PDF)
- BBAA—Duties and Responsibilities of Board Officers (PDF)
- BBA—Officers of the Board of Trustees (PDF)
- BBBCB—School Board Member Visits To Schools (PDF)
- BBBC—Board Member Compensation and Expenses (PDF)
- BBC—Board Committees (PDF)
- BBD—Board-Superintendent Relationships (CD) (PDF)
- BBE—Legal Services (PDF)
- BBF—Administrative Consultants (PDF)
- BBFF—Evaluation of Consultants, Independent Contractors, and Service Providers (PDF)
- BBF—Administrative Consultants (PDF)
- BBF—Administrative Consultants Procedures (PDF)
- BBF—Administrative Consultants Service Agreement (PDF)
- BCAD—Teleconference or Video Board Meeting (PDF)
- BCA—Public Hearings (KCC) (PDF)
- BCBK—Executive Sessions (PDF)
- BCBK—Executive Sessions Procedures (PDF)
- BCB—Board Meeting Preparation (PDF)
- BCC—Board Meeting Agendas (PDF)
- BCF—Board Meeting Minutes (PDF)
- BC—Board Meetings (PDF)
- BE—Conflict of Interest (PDF)
- BFA—Public Records (PDF)
- BG—Review of Board Policy (PDF)
- BHAA—Student Representation to the Jackson Public School District Board of Trustees (PDF)
- C. General School Administration
- CA—Administrative Organization Plan (PDF)
- CBBABB—Prohibition Against Aiding and Abetting Sexual Abuse (PDF)
- CBBAB—Sex Offender (PDF)
- CB—Complaint Policy - Line and Staff Relations (PDF)
- CB—Complaint Procedures (PDF)
- CCA—Duties of School Superintendent (PDF)
- CCC—Evaluation of the Superintendent (PDF)
- CD—Board Superintendent Relationships (BBD) (PDF)
- CED—Time Schedules (PDF)
- CE—Administrative and Supervisory Personnel Positions (PDF)
- CF—Administration in Policy Absence (PDF)
- CG—Approval of Research Projects (LDC)
- CHAA—Wellness Policy and Procedures (PDF)
- CHA—Site Based Management (PDF)
- CIB—Document Retention (PDF)
- D. Fiscal Management
- DA—Fiscal Management Goals and Objectives (PDF)
- DBA—Budget Goals and Objectives (PDF)
- DBB—Fiscal Year/Scholastic Year (PDF)
- DBC—Budget Preparation and Deadline (PDF)
- DBDA—Staff Involvement (PDF)
- DBDB—Curriculum Materials & Instructional Supplies (PDF)
- DBD—Budget Preparation Procedures (PDF)
- DBE—Adoption Procedures (PDF)
- DBF—Encumbrances (PDF)
- DBG—Periodic Budget Reconciliation (PDF)
- DB—Annual Operating Budget (PDF)
- DCI—Line Item Transfer Authority (PDF)
- DC—State and Federal Aid Eligibility Determination (PDF)
- DD—Debt Limitation (PDF)
- DEA—Local Tax and State Revenues (PDF)
- DEB—Revenues from Federal Sources (PDF)
- DEC—Bond Sales (FDA) (PDF)
- DED—Notes (PDF)
- DEEA—Timekeeping (PDF)
- DEEB—Cost Sharing (PDF)
- DEEC—Participant Support Costs (PDF)
- DEED—Sub Recipient Monitoring For Federal Awards of Grants (PDF)
- DEEE—Federal Cash Transaction Reporting (PDF)
- DEEF—Time and Error Reporting (PDF)
- DEEG—Grant Management (PDF)
- DEE—Grants (PDF)
- DEF—Leasing of Buildings and Grounds (PDF)
- DEGA—Use of School Facilities (KG) (PDF)
- DEGA—Use of School Facilities (KG) Procedures (Facilities Application) (PDF)
- DEGA—Use of School Facilities (KG) Procedures (Fields Application) (PDF)
- DEGB—Admissions and Gate Receipts (PDF)
- DEGC—Concessions (PDF)
- DEGD—Damage or Loss Charges (PDF)
- DEGE—Fees (PDF)
- DEH—Tuition Income (PDF)
- DEI—Gifts and Bequests (PDF)
- DEK—Equipment and Supplies Sales (PDF)
- DEL—Property Sales (PDF)
- DE—Revenues (PDF)
- DFEBA—Shortfall Borrowing (PDF)
- DF—Depository of Funds (PDF)
- DGA—Fund Balance (PDF)
- DG—Bonded Employees (PDF)
- DHA—Account System (PDF)
- DHB—Financial Reports and Statements (PDF)
- DHC—Inventories (PDF)
- DHD—Audits (PDF)
- DHE—Cash Receipts (PDF)
- DH—Accounting and Reporting (PDF)
- DIAB—Internal Control of Cash Receipts (PDF)
- DIA—Authorized Signatures (PDF)
- DIB—Petty Cash Accounts (PDF)
- DICA—Pay Day Schedule (GADD) (PDF)
- DICA—Pay Day Schedule (GADD) Procedures (PDF)
- DICB—Salary Deductions (GADC) (PDF)
- DIC—Payroll Procedures (PDF)
- DID—Travel Expenses (PDF)
- DIEA—Purchasing Authority (PDF)
- DIEBA—Food Expenditures (PDF)
- DIEB—Legal Items Which May Be Purchased (PDF)
- DIEC—Requisitions (PDF)
- DIED—Purchase Orders and Contracts (PDF)
- DIEE—Receiving Reports (PDF)
- DIEF—Open Purchase Orders (PDF)
- DIEG—Outstanding Purchase Order Report (PDF)
- DIEH—Bids and Quotations (PDF)
- DIEI—Bid Specifications (PDF)
- DIEI—Bid Specifications Procedures (PDF)
- DIEJA—Minority/Women Business Enterprise Participation (PDF)
- DIEJ—Purchasing Guides and Vendor Product and Service Lists (PDF)
- DIEK—Purchasing from Local Vendors (PDF)
- DIEL–Items Exempt from the Bid Process (PDF)
- DIEM—Emergency Purchases (PDF)
- DIEN—Quality Control (PDF)
- DIEO—Warehouse Stock Item (PDF)
- DIEP—Employee Conflict of Interest (PDF)
- DIEQ—Payment Process (PDF)
- DIER—Vendor Protest and Grievance Procedures (PDF)
- DIER—Vendor Protest and Grievance Procedures Policy (PDF)
- DIES—Lease-Purchase (PDF)
- DIE—Purchasing (PDF)
- DIF—Notes and Bond Payments (PDF)
- DII—Expenditure of Funds and Payment of Claims (PDF)
- DJEIA—Vendor Relations (PDF)
- DJ—Student Activities Funds Management (JFA) (PDF)
- DJ—Student Activities Funds Management (JFA) Procedures (PDF)
- DK—Cash in School Building (PDF)
- DL—Handling Money (DJ) (PDF)
- DM—Investment of Surplus Funds (PDF)
- DN—School Properties Disposal Procedures (PDF)
- DOA—Fixed Assets Management System (PDF)
- DOB—Capitalization of Fixed Assets (PDF)
- DOC—Depreciation of Fixed Assets (PDF)
- DOD—Cellular Phone Usage (PDF)
- DOD—Cellular Phone Usage Procedures (PDF)
- E. Support Services
- EA—Goals and Objectives (PDF)
- EBAA–Emergency Closing of Schools (AFA) Procedures (PDF)
- EBAA—Emergency Closing of Schools (AFA) (PDF)
- EBAB—Emergency Drills (JDM) (PDF)
- EBAB—Emergency Drills (JDM) Procedures (PDF)
- EBAC—Traffic and Parking Controls (PDF)
- EBA—Safety Programs (PDF)
- EBBAG — Cardiac Emergency Response Plan (PDF)
- EBBA—Vandalism Protection (PDF)
- EBB—Building and Grounds Security (PDF)
- EBC—Repairs (PDF)
- EBD—Long-Range Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds (PDF)
- EBHF—Banning Individuals From District Property & Activities
- EB—Building and Grounds Management (PDF)
- ECAA—Student Conduct on School Buses (JDJ) (PDF)
- ECA—Student Transportation Safety (PDF)
- ECB—School Bus Scheduling and Routing (PDF)
- ECC—Field Trips (IFEA, KFA, JFC) (PDF)
- ECC—Field Trips (IFEA, KFA, JFC) Procedures (PDF)
- ECD—Special Use of School Buses (PDF)
- ECE—Transportation Insurance Program (PDF)
- EC—Student Transportation Management (PDF)
- ED—Food Services Management (PDF)
- EE—Data Breach Prevention (PDF)
- EFA—Student Insurance Program (PDF)
- EFB—Property Insurance (PDF)
- EFC—Fidelity Insurance (PDF)
- EFD—Liability Insurance (PDF)
- EF—Insurance Management (PDF)
- EGAA—Health Insurance Plan (PDF)
- EGA—Computer Usage: Laptop Computers (GBELA, JIA) (PDF)
- EGA—Computer Usage: Laptop Computers (GBELA, JIA) Procedures (PDF)
- EG—Computer Usage: Data and Program Security (GBEL, JI) (PDF)
- EH–Use of Copyrighted Material (GACP, IFH) (PDF)
- EI—Energy Management (PDF)
- EJ—Drones (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) (PDF)
- F. Facilities Development
- FA—Goals and Objectives (PDF)
- FB—Long-Range Planning (PDF)
- FCB—Educational Specifications (PDF)
- FCC—Architects (PDF)
- FEA—Site Acquisition (PDF)
- FEC—Surety Bonds (PDF)
- FEE—Bids, Awards, and Penalty Clauses for Construction Contracts (PDF)
- FFA—Facility Expansion State Loans and Grants (PDF)
- FGA—Board Inspection And Acceptance of New Facilities (PDF)
- FH—Naming School Facilities (PDF)
- G. Personnel
- GAAAA—Reimbursement of Training and Educational Expenses, and Payment of Salary Incentives and Salary Supplements To Employees (PDF)
- GAAAA—Teacher Certification/Licensure Program Memorandum of Understanding (PDF)
- GAAAC—School Improvement Grant Performance Based Compensation System (PDF)
- GAAB—Job Descriptions (PDF)
- GAAC—Allocation/Reallocation of Jobs (PDF)
- GAAE—Recruitment and Hiring of Personnel (PDF)
- GAAF—Equal Opportunity Employment (BAB) (PDF)
- GAAH—Employment of Relatives (PDF)
- GAAI—Terms of Employment – Classified (PDF)
- GABA—Vacancies (PDF)
- GABB—Reassignments/Transfers (PDF)
- GABC—Promotion (PDF)
- GABE—Title I Comparability-Equivalency of Staff, Resources and Supplies (PDF)
- GACA—Staff Involvement In Policy Making (PDF)
- GACB—Care of School Property (PDF)
- GACD—Employee Conflict of Interest (PDF)
- GACE—Receipt and Giving of Gifts (PDF)
- GACF—Collections and Solicitations (JDF)
- GACG—Outside Or Dual Employment (PDF)
- GACH—Political Activities (PDF)
- GACIA—Workday Alterations For Course Work (PDF)
- GACIA—Workday Alterations For Course Work Procedures (PDF)
- GACI—Workday & Attendance (PDF)
- GACJ—Workload (PDF)
- GACK—Use of Personal or District Vehicle (PDF)
- GACL—Resignation (PDF)
- GACM—Advisory Councils (PDF)
- GACN—Sexual Harassment (JCP) (PDF)
- GACN—Sexual Harassment Procedures (JCP) (PDF)
- GACO_KN - Possession of Weapons on School Grounds
- GACP–Use of Copyrighted Material (EH, IFH) (PDF)
- GADA—Salaries (PDF)
- GADB—Overtime and Compensatory Pay For Employees (PDF)
- GADC—Salary Deductions (DICB) (PDF)
- GADD—Pay Period (DICA) (PDF)
- GADEAA—Worker's Compensation (PDF)
- GADEA—Family and Medical Leave (PDF)
- GADEB—Donation of Leave (PDF)
- GADEB—Donation of Leave Checklist (PDF)
- GADEB—Donation of Leave Form (PDF)
- GADEB—Donation of Leave Physician Form (PDF)
- GADE—Sick Days (PDF)
- GADF—Leave For Study (PDF)
- GADG—Political Leave (PDF)
- GADH—Leave For Summer Study (PDF)
- GADI—Bereavement Leave (PDF)
- GADJ—Personal Leave (PDF)
- GADJ—Personal Leave Chart (PDF)
- GADK—Professional Leave (PDF)
- GADL—Military Leave (PDF)
- GADM—Leave of Absence without Pay (PDF)
- GADM—Leave of Absence without Pay Procedures (PDF)
- GADO—Jury Duty (PDF)
- GADP—Substitute Teachers (PDF)
- GADQ—Vacation & Paid Leave (PDF)
- GADR—Legal Holidays (AEAA) (PDF)
- GADS—Retirement (PDF)
- GADT—Professional Leave For Consultant Purposes (PDF)
- GADT—Professional Leave For Consultant Purposes Procedures (PDF)
- GAEC—Whistleblower Protection Policy (PDF)
- GAEE—Anti-Bullying Policy for Employees (PDF)
- GAEE—Employee Bullying or Harassing Behavior Complaint Form (PDF)
- GAE—Complaint Policy/Line and Staff Relations Procedures (PDF)
- GAE—Employment-Related Grievances and Complaints (PDF)
- GAG—Professional Organizations (PDF)
- GAHA—Instructional and Support Staff Dress Code (PDF)
- GBA—Staff Ethics (Amended) (PDF)
- GBBA—Reporting Child Abuse/Neglect (JD) (PDF)
- GBBA—Reporting Child Abuse/Neglect (JD) Form (PDF)
- GBBA—Reporting Child Abuse/Neglect (JD) Procedures (PDF)
- GBB—Staff-Student Relations (PDF)
- GBC—Staff Meetings (PDF)
- GBDA—Professional Personnel Compensation Guides and Contracts (PDF)
- GBDB — Retired Teacher Employment (PDF)
- GBEA—Contracts and Agreements For Employees (PDF)
- GBED – Reduction in Force (PDF)
- GBED – Reduction in Force Procedures (PDF)
- GBEE—Termination of Employment (PDF)
- GBEF—Release from Contract (PDF)
- GBEG—Nonrenewal or Nonreemployment of Certified Personnel (PDF)
- GBEG—Nonrenewal or Nonreemployment of Certified Personnel Procedures (PDF)
- GBEH—Suspension (PDF)
- GBEI—Death (PDF)
- GBEI—Death Procedures (PDF)
- GBEJ—Leaving Employment Prior To Final Date of Contract (PDF)
- GBEK—Employment/Compensation-False Claims (PDF)
- GBELA—Computer Usage: Laptop Computers (EGA, JIA) (PDF)
- GBELA—Computer Usage: Laptop Computers (EGA, JIA) Procedures (PDF)
- GBELA—Lost or Stolen Property Affidavit (PDF)
- GBEL—Computer Usage: Data and Program Security (JI, EG) (PDF)
- GBEM—Drugs and Alcohol (PDF)
- GBEM—Drugs and Alcohol Procedures (PDF)
- GBEN—Smoking/Tobacco Products on School Premises (KO) (PDF)
- GBFA–Suicide Prevention Education In-Service (Amended) (PDF)
- GBF—Professional Development (PDF)
- GBF—Professional Development Procedures (PDF)
- GBG—Tutoring of Pupils By Teachers (PDF)
- GBH—Evaluation of Certified and Classified Staff (PDF)
- GBH—Evaluation of Certified and Classified Staff Procedures (PDF)
- GBJ—Written Reports (PDF)
- GBRA—Paperwork Reduction (PDF)
- GBRL—Drug and Weapon Free Schools and Workplace (PDF)
- I. Instructional Program
- IAAA—Distance/Online Learning (PDF)
- IAAB—Staff Conduct On Virtual Meetings (PDF)
- IB—Instructional Goals and Strategic Planning (PDF)
- ICA—Curriculum Development Resources and Equipment (PDF)
- ICB—Curriculum Development Planning (PDF)
- ICC—Abstinence-Plus Education (PDF)
- ICHI—Literacy Based Promotion (PDF)
- ICL—Conflict Resolution and Peer Mediation Materials (PDF)
- IC—Curriculum Development and Adoption (PDF)
- IDAA—Gifted Education Program (PDF)
- IDAB—Program Evaluation (PDF)
- IDA—Instructional Management System (PDF)
- IDB—Accreditation (PDF)
- IDB—Accreditation Procedures (PDF)
- IDC—Summer Sessions/Extended School Year (AEB) (PDF)
- IDD—Grade and Subject Classification (JBI) (PDF)
- IDFAB—Dyslexia Screening (PDF)
- IDFA—Speech Language Screening (PDF)
- IDFB—Observations/Screenings/Assessments (PDF)
- IDF—District Assurances for Children with Disabilities (Amended) (PDF)
- IDHA—Interscholastic Athletics (PDF)
- IDH—Athletics (PDF)
- IDI—Adult Education (PDF)
- IDK—Driver Training (PDF)
- ID—Curriculum Development Evaluation (PDF)
- IEA—School Organization (AC) (PDF)
- IED—Class Organization (PDF)
- IEE—Class Size (PDF)
- IEE—Class Size Procedures (PDF)
- IEG—Classroom Management (PDF)
- IFA—Program of Studies (PDF)
- IFB—Instructional Services (PDF)
- IFCA—Textbooks (PDF)
- IFCA—Textbooks Agreement (PDF)
- IFCA—Textbooks Procedures (PDF)
- IFC—Textbook Selection and Adoption (PDF)
- IFC—Textbook Selection and Adoption Agreement (PDF)
- IFC—Textbook Selection and Adoption Procedures (PDF)
- IFDA—Use of School Libraries (PDF)
- IFD—School Libraries (PDF)
- IFD—School Libraries Procedures (PDF)
- IFEA—Field Trips (ECC, KFA, JFC) (PDF)
- IFEA—Field Trips (ECC, KFA, JFC) Procedures (PDF)
- IFF—Teacher Aides/Assistants (PDF)
- IFH–Use of Copyrighted Material (EH, GACP) (PDF)
- IF—Instructional Resources (PDF)
- IGAA—Student Religious Liberties (PDF)
- IGAB—Grade Adjustment and Minimum Grade (PDF)
- IGA—Grading System (PDF)
- IGBAB—Dual Enrollment-Dual Credit (PDF)
- IGBA—Early Release (PDF)
- IGB—Requirements for High School Graduation (PDF)
- IGD—Promotion and Retention of Scholars (JBJ) (PDF)
- IGE—Appraisal Reports (JBK) (PDF)
- IGF—Communications Systems (PDF)
- IHAC—Special Programs (Amended) (PDF)
- IHA—Cumulative Folder & Permanent Record (PDF)
- IH—Comprehensive School Counseling Program (JE) (PDF)
- IIAAA—Opting Out of State Testing (PDF)
- IIA—Testing and Student Surveys (PDF)
- II—Standardized Testing Program (PDF)
- IJBD—Responsible Use of District Issued Device (PDF)
- IJ—Selection of Instructional Materials (PDF)
- IJ—Selection of Instructional Materials Procedures (PDF)
- IJ—Selection of Instructional Materials School Permission Form (PDF)
- IJ—Selection of Instructional Materials Student Permission Form (PDF)
- IKA—Speakers (PDF)
- IKB—Teaching About Religion and Prayer in School (PDF)
- IKC—Flag Displays (Amended) (PDF)
- IKD—English Language Learners (Amended) (PDF)
- IKF—Service Animal (PDF)
- IKG—Use of Cell Telephones by Teachers (PDF)
- IKI—Prayer in the Schools (PDF)
- ILA—Student Achievement Improvement (PDF)
- ILC—Technology and Instruction (PDF)
- ILD—Internet Safety Policy (PDF)
- ILF—Library and Media Materials (PDF)
- ILG—Limited English Proficiency Instruction (PDF)
- IMB—Vocational and Career Technical Education (PDF)
- J. Students
- JAA—Equal Educational Opportunities (PDF)
- JAA—Equal Educational Opportunities Procedures (PDF)
- JAB—Parent and Family Engagement Policy (KKA) (PDF)
- JA—Student Policy Goals (PDF)
- JBA—Age (PDF)
- JBB—Birth Certificate (PDF)
- JBC—Immunizations (PDF)
- JBC—Immunizations Procedures (PDF)
- JBD—Assignments to Schools (PDF)
- JBEG—Concussion Management and Return to Play (PDF)
- JBE—Bona Fide Residence (PDF)
- JBF—Nonresident Student (PDF)
- JBG—District-to-District Transfers (PDF)
- JBH—Transfers–Inside of District (PDF)
- JBH—Transfers–Inside of District Procedures (PDF)
- JBI—Grade and Subject Classification (IDD) (PDF)
- JBJ—Promotion and Retention of Scholars (IGD) (PDF)
- JBK—Appraisal Reports (IGE) (PDF)
- JBL Amended—School Attendance, Tardiness and Excuses (PDF)
- JBN—Truancy (PDF)
- JBO—Admission of Transfer Students (PDF)
- JBPA—Rights of Custodial and Non-Custodial Parents (PDF)
- JBP—Scholar Withdrawal from School (PDF)
- JBS—Disposal of Student Made Projects (PDF)
- JB—School Admission (PDF)
- JCAA—Handling of Abandoned or Seized Property That Has Been Confiscated From Students (PDF)
- JCBAAAA—Teacher is Authority in Classroom (PDF)
- JCBAAA—Scholar Use of Electronic Devices (PDF)
- JCBAA—Allegation of Bullying Complaint Form (PDF)
- JCBAA—Anti-Bullying Policy for Students (PDF)
- JCBA—Gun-Free Schools (PDF)
- JCB—Scholar Conduct (PDF)
- JCC—Due Process (PDF)
- JCD—School Searches (PDF)
- JCE—Transcripts (PDF)
- JCFAA—The Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) (PDF)
- JCFAB—Persistently Dangerous Schools Or The Unsafe School Option (PDF)
- JCFA—Notification of Rights Under The Family Educational Rights (FERPA) for Elementary and Secondary Institutions (PDF)
- JCF—Scholar Records (PDF)
- JCG—Membership In Fraternities, Sororities, and Secret Societies (PDF)
- JCH—Suspension and Expulsion (JCI) (PDF)
- JCIA—Prohibition of Corporal Punishment (PDF)
- JCIB—Discipline Plan (PDF)
- JCI—Disciplinary Action (PDF)
- JCI—Disciplinary Action Procedures (PDF)
- JCJ—Appeals of Nonadmission, Suspension or Expulsion (PDF)
- JCJ—Appeals of Nonadmission, Suspension or Expulsion Procedures (PDF)
- JCK—Student Fees, Fines, and Charges (PDF)
- JCK—Student Fees, Fines, and Charges Procedures (PDF)
- JCL—Drug Abuse (PDF)
- JCL—Drug Abuse Procedures (PDF)
- JCM—Scholar Smoking (PDF)
- JCN—Interrogations (PDF)
- JCO—Initiation Activities (PDF)
- JCP—Sexual Harassment (GACN) (PDF)
- JCP—Sexual Harassment Procedures (GACN) (PDF)
- JCQ—Complaint Policy-Students (PDF)
- JCR—Homeless Children and Youth (PDF)
- JCR—Homeless Children and Youth Procedures (PDF)
- JCSA—Mandatory School Uniforms Dress Code Policy (PDF)
- JCSA—Mandatory School Uniforms Procedures (PDF)
- JCTA—Screening Students for Dyslexia (PDF)
- JCT—Educational Opportunities for Students in Foster Care (PDF)
- JDAA—Administration of Asthma Medication By Students (PDF)
- JDAA—Self-Administration of Asthma Medication By Students Procedures (PDF)
- JDAB—Administering Medications to Students (PDF)
- JDAB—Administering Medications to Students Form (PDF)
- JDAB—Administering Medications to Scholars Procedures (PDF)
- JDAC—Asthma Management Policy (PDF)
- JDA—Student Psychological Services (PDF)
- JDC—Free and Reduced Price Meals (PDF)
- JDEA—Head Lice (PDF)
- JDE—Educating Students with Communicable and Chronic Infectious Diseases (PDF)
- JDF—Solicitations (GACF) (PDF)
- JDG—Student Dismissal Precautions (PDF)
- JDHAB—Student Restraint Policy (PDF)
- JDI—Scholar Transportation (PDF)
- JDL — First Aid For Emergencies (PDF)
- JDM—Emergency Drill (EBAB) (PDF)
- JDM—Emergency Drill Procedures (EBAB) (PDF)
- JDN—Visitors to the Schools (KJ) (PDF)
- JDO—Vision and Hearing Screening (PDF)
- JDP—Reporting of Violent Acts (KP) (PDF)
- JD–Procedures (GBBA) (PDF)
- JD–Procedures Form (GBBA) (PDF)
- JD—Reporting Child Abuse-Neglect (GBBA) (PDF)
- JE—Comprehensive School Counseling Program (IH) (PDF)
- JFA–Student Activities Funds Management (DJ) Procedures (PDF)
- JFA—School Activities Fund Management (DJ) (PDF)
- JFB—Student Organizations (PDF)
- JFC—Field Trips (KFA, IFEA, ECC) Procedures (PDF)
- JFC—Field Trips (KFA, IFEA, EDC) (PDF)
- JFD—Extracurricular Activities (IDG) (PDF)
- JFF—Student Gifts To School (PDF)
- JFG—Student Insurance (PDF)
- JF—Student Activities (PDF)
- JGFA—Unsafe School Choice (PDF)
- JGFB—Off-Campus Student Activity (PDF)
- JGFB—Off-Campus Student Activity Procedures (PDF)
- JG—Student Involvement In Decision Making (PDF)
- JH—Student-Community Relations (KE) (PDF)
- JIAA—Acceptable Use and Internet Safety Policy (PDF)
- JIAB—Electronic Devices Policy and Procedures (PDF)
- JIA—Computer Usage: Laptop Computers (EGA, GBELA) (PDF)
- JIA—Computer Usage: Laptop Computers (EGA, GBELA) Procedures (PDF)
- JI—Computer Usage: Data and Program Security (EG, JI) (PDF)
- JKAA—Student Directory Information (PDF)
- JKAB—Student Drug Testing Program Extracurricular Activities (PDF)
- JKAC—Student Recruitment and Student Directory Information (PDF)
- JKAD—Scholar Safety (PDF)
- JKA—Credit Recovery (PDF)
- JKB—Academic Achievement (PDF)
- JKC—Alternative School Program (PDF)
- JKD—Automobile Use (PDF)
- JKE—Booster Clubs (PDF)
- JKG—Contests for Students (PDF)
- JKH—Home Schooling and Transfer Student Testing (PDF)
- JKI—MSIS Policy (PDF)
- JKJ—Prohibition of Sexual Activity on School Property (PDF)
- JKK—Establishment of Pre-Kindergarten Program (PDF)
- JKL—Online Blended Learning (PDF)
- JK—Dropout Prevention (PDF)
- JNB—Seal of Biliteracy (PDF)
- JRD—Detention Facilities Records (PDF)
- K. School-Community Relations
- KA—School-Community Relations Goals (PDF)
- KBA—Public's Right To Know (PDF)
- KBC—News Releases (PDF)
- KB—Public Information System (PDF)
- KCA—Public Participation in Board Meetings (BCG) (PDF)
- KCB—Community Involvement In Decision Making (PDF)
- KCC—Public Hearings (BCA) (PDF)
- KFA—Field Trips (ECC, IFEA, JFC) (PDF)
- KFA—Field Trips (ECC, IFEA, JFC) Procedures (PDF)
- KGA—Use of School Facilities For Emergency Use (PDF)
- KGB—Playing on School Sites (PDF)
- KG—Use of School Facilities (DEGA) (PDF)
- KG—Use of School Facilities (DEGA) Procedures (Facilities Application) (PDF)
- KG—Use of School Facilities (DEGA) Procedures (Fields Application) (PDF)
- KI—Advertising in Scholar Publications (PDF)
- KJA—School Volunteers (PDF)
- KJA—School Volunteers Procedures (PDF)
- KJ—Visitors to the Schools (JDN) (PDF)
- KKA—Parent and Family Engagement Policy (JAB) (PDF)
- KK—Parent Organizations (LCF) (PDF)
- KL—Public Complaints (PDF)
- KM—Complaints about Instructional Materials (PDF)
- KN—Possession of Weapons on School Grounds or at School Activities (GACO) (PDF)
- KO—Smoking/Tobacco Products on School Premises (GBEN) (PDF)
- KP—Reporting of Violent Acts (JDP) (PDF)
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